Milesight VS133

We are pleased to introduce Milesight to our customers and announce our support for their time-of-flight people counter. The VS133 is capable of counting individuals or groups across a line and can discriminate between adults, children and staff. The sensor can send both real-time and historic data to Xenometric’s software. Multiple sensors can be stitched together to seamlessly cover wide entrances. The Milesight VS133’s data sheet can be viewed here.


Xenometric’s software can be run on your customer’s server on their private network or the software can be run on the cloud. Xenometric has a cloud server that you can use or we can use your cloud server.

The VS133 delivers data to Xenometric over HTTP(S) and is simple to configure. A full description can be downloaded here


Milesight also offer a device hub, so you can connect all your sensors to their centralised portal. This allows you to remotely access sensors that are connected to networks behind public firewalls. The device hub is similar to Irisys’ Estate Manager or Xovis’ HUB

Since Irisys departed from the sensor market (they are sill selling and supporting their software, Estate Manager and TrueOccupancy), there has been a need for a Vector replacement. The Milesight VS133 uses the same time-of-flight technology and offers the same benefits. Xenometric has been pleased to help Milesight identify the features that we and our customers need. We owe a debt of thanks to Intelligent RFID in Australia who have performed many tests and offered great suggestions to Milesight and Xenometric.